Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Наша коллекция русскоязычных книг увеличивается!

Adult Fiction and Nonfiction!!

Children's books and DVDs!!

Our Russian Collection is Growing!
We at the Carnegie Library of Homestead are excited to announce the
expansion of our Russian collection for both adults and children.

Библиотека Карнеги в Хомстеде только что пополнила свою коллекцию
русских книг. Теперь Вы можете найти у нас большое количество
русскоязычных книг для детей и взрослых.

We will be ordering books from such authors as
Борис Акунин, Дина Рубина, Дмитрий Быков, Полина Дашкова,
Э. Елинек, Ф КАФКА, Александр Бушков, Франсуаза Саган,
Татьяна Устинова Меир Шалев, У ЭКО, С. МАРШАК, А. МИЛН, and many more!!

We would like to thank all of our patrons for requesting their favorite
titles and authors!

For more information or to suggest an author or title, please contact
Victoria Ramey at 412-462-3444 X 231 or at rameyv@homesteadlibrary.org

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Everyday scenes from CLoH

Storytime with MUSA Little Lamb's Daycare

We read about zoos and then the kids created their own zoo!

Ian Green painting the columns of the kid's room in dramatic fashion.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Silver Sneakers!

The Athletic Club will be joining with the library to offer a SilverSneakers Open House from Monday, October 5 through Friday, October 9. Please feel free to stop by the Athletic Club at any time to hear about the SilverSeakers program and take a tour of the 111 year old building!Come tryout one of our SilverSneakers exercise classes between 9 am and 11 am Monday - Friday.

Wednesday, October 7 at 11 am in the Shuffle Board Room Rita Jennings from Jefferson Regional Hospital will be speaking on the effect of diet and exercise in relation to stroke. For more information regarding SilverSneakers Fitness program, stop by The Carnegie Library of Homestead with your insurance card, visit silversneakers.com, or call 1-800-295-4993.For more information concerning the SiverSneakers open house and/or the events occurring during the week please contact Victoria Ramey at the library by calling 412-462-3444 x 231 or Natelie Votaw at the Athletic Department by calling 412-462-3444 x 225